Heartburn Medicine Cancer
Information from Acid Reflux Medicine Attorneys | Stomach Cancer Lawsuits
Acid Reflux Drugs Cause Cancer

Approximately 15 million Americans suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and another 60 million report experiencing heartburn at least once monthly. While lifestyle changes can improve heartburn symptoms for some patients, millions of Americans rely on Zantac, Prilosec, Nexium, or Prevacid for acid reflux relief. Americans have been shocked and dismayed to learn these seemingly safe drugs actually cause cancer.
Research shows the risk for developing stomach cancer from heartburn medicine increases the longer and more often the drug is taken. Many patients have taken heartburn drugs daily for years, exposing them to a risk for bladder or stomach cancer. Both diseases are deadly; in fact, stomach cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide.
FDA Heartburn Drug Cancer Warnings
Ranitidine, which includes Zantac and generic Zantac, was the subject of an FDA Zantac warning in late September of 2019. The FDA heartburn medicine warning came on the heels of a report that Zantac and generic Zantac contain NDMA, a chemical known to cause cancer. Multiple voluntary recalls followed the FDA Zantac warning, including a Zantac recall issued by Sanofi and many generic Zantac recalls from Apotex, Sandoz, and GlaxoSmithKline.
The FDA is conducting an ongoing investigation to determine the origins of the cancer-causing chemical as well as the severity of the Zantac cancer risk. The drugmaker, Sanofi, discovered the tendency for Zantac to contain the cancer-causing substance NDMA during early drug development in the early 1980s, yet neglected to warn federal regulators or consumers.

Heartburn Medicine Cancer FAQs
Our attorneys handling acid reflux medicine cancer cases have compiled answers to common questions. For more detailed information on a particular drug, follow the links below.
What kind of heartburn medicine causes cancer?
Available both over-the-counter and by prescription, heartburn and acid reflux medicines that have been found to cause cancer fall in two drug categories: PPIs (protein pump inhibitors) and H2 (histamine2) blockers. Both serve to reduce the amount of stomach acid produced by the body in order to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and other esophageal complaints.
Which heartburn medicine has been recalled for cancer?
Zantac and many forms of generic Zantac, or ranitidine, have been recalled. The list currently includes:
- Sanofi Zantac recall
- Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory generic Zantac ranitidine recall
- Walmart Equate Generic Zantac ranitidine recall
- Walgreens Wal-Zan generic Zantac ranitidine recall
- CVS generic Zantac ranitidine hydrochloride recall
- Target Up & Up generic Zantac ranitidine recall
- Kroger generic Zantac ranitidine recall
- RiteAid generic Zantac ranitidine recall by Apotex
- Perrigo Company generic Zantac ranitidine recall
- Novitium Pharmaceuticals generic Zantac ranitidine recall
- Cool Mint generic Zantac ranitidine recall by RiteAid
- Lannett Company generic Zantac ranitidine syrup recall
- Sandoz / Novartis generic Zantac ranitidine hydrochloride capsule recall
What kind of cancer does acid reflux medicine cause?
It is believed that stomach cancer and bladder cancer are the most likely types of cancer caused by heartburn drugs. However, the presence of NDMA, a known carcinogen, in many acid reflux drugs has only been recently discovered. The full implications of this discovery are not yet known.
Who can file a lawsuit for heartburn drug cancer?
Persons and family members of persons who have taken heartburn medications including Zantac and generic Zantac, Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid and later developed cancer may be eligible to file a heartburn drug cancer lawsuit. Contact our firm today for a free case review to see if you qualify.