Prevacid Cancer
Information from Prevacid Attorneys | Prevacid Cancer Lawsuits
Prevacid Acid Reflux Medicine

Prevacid is a popular medication prescribed in the treatment of many different acid-related disorders including heartburn, gastro-intestinal reflux disease (GERD), and other gastric problems.
Categorized as a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI), Prevacid decreases symptoms by blocking the stomach’s production of acid. The most widely prescribed drug class in America, brand name and generic PPIs garner $10 billion in revenue each year.
Widely used in the United States and around the world, Prevacid is manufactured by the Japan-based Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Prevacid is available in many forms, both by prescription and over the counter.
While Prevacid and other similar drugs are commonly thought to be safe for extended use, recent studies have revealed that patients who take Prevacid long-term are at risk for developing gastrointestinal tumors resulting in stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and liver cancer.
Prevacid and Cancer
First approved in the United States in 1995, it was not until 2018 that the Prevacid cancer risk became public knowledge. Prevacid and other PPIs resolve symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux by blocking the production of stomach acid. Research shows that Prevacid cancer occurs precisely because the drug blocks the production of stomach acid.
Ordinarily, digestion involves the release of a hormone known as gastrin. Gastrin signals the stomach to pump acid. Prevacid works by blocking the site where the acid is pumped. In this way, Prevacid reduces stomach acid--but it also results in the body producing more gastrin to try again to stimulate stomach acid production. It is the presence of extra gastrin that creates the Prevacid cancer risk.
Many doctors say that Prevacid and other PPIs are overprescribed; the first line of treatment should always be lifestyle changes. This means many patients have been exposed to a risk for Prevacid cancer for no good reason.
Prevacid Cancer Research
Two major Prevacid cancer studies were released in 2017 and 2018, one in Hong Kong and the other in Sweden.The study conducted at the University of Hong Kong monitored 60,000 patients taking Prevacid or another PPI. The study found that taking Prevacid more than doubles a patient’s risk of developing stomach cancer. The Swedish Prevacid cancer study had similar findings.
Failure to Warn: Prevacid Cancer Risk
Through no fault of their own and with no knowledge of the danger, millions of patients have been exposed to a risk for Prevacid cancer over the past two decades. Takeda Pharmaceuticals knew or should have known of the danger of Prevacid cancer and had a clear duty to warn consumers.
Earning over $19 billion in revenue last year, Takeda Pharmaceuticals has ample resources and technology to test for product safety and warn the consumers of drug risks. Takeda Pharmaceuticals must be held accountable for its failure to warn Americans of the risk for gastrointestinal cancer from Prevacid.

Prevacid Cancer FAQ
Compiled by our Prevacid cancer attorney team, this section provides answers to frequently-asked questions about filing a Prevacid cancer lawsuit for esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, or liver cancer. If you do not find answers to your questions among this list of common Prevacid cancer questions and answers, our attorneys are also available to discuss the particulars of your situation in detail. Our attorneys handling Prevacid cancer claims provide free, no obligation case review.
Does Prevacid cause cancer?
Two independent, large-scale and peer-reviewed studies have determined there is a link between Prevacid and gastrointestinal cancer. Researchers believe that by blocking the body’s natural production of stomach acid, Prevacid stimulated excess hormone production. It is high levels of this hormone, gastrin, which increases the risk for gastrointestinal tumor growth. What kinds of cancer does Prevacid cause?
The Prevacid cancer risk extends to multiple forms of gastrointestinal cancer, including stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and liver cancer.
When did Takeda Pharmaceuticals learn of the Prevacid cancer connection?
It is not yet clear to what extent Takeda Pharmaceuticals knew of the Prevacid cancer link before international scientific studies were published on the matter in 2017. Regardless of what the drug company knew and when, each manufacturer has a responsibility to conduct testing prior to market release and in an ongoing manner to ensure product safety. Warning consumers and the medical community of side effects and dangers is tantamount to product safety. Prevacid cancer lawsuits allege failure to warn on the part of Takeda Pharmaceuticals.
Who can file a lawsuit for Prevacid cancer?
Persons and family members of persons having taken Prevacid and developed stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, and liver cancer may be eligible to file a Prevacid cancer lawsuit. Prevacid cancer lawsuits may result in significant compensation for pain, suffering, lost income, medical expenses and other losses associated with Prevacid cancer.