Zantac Cancer May Be America's Next Public Health Crisis
Millions of Americans could be walking around with an alleged Zantac cancer time bomb inside of them given the disease's 20 plus year latency period
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - We are coming to the end of July of 2020 and the entire world finds itself in the middle of a global health crisis. No, I do not mean the much-publicized Coronavirus or COVID19 pandemic. What I refer to is the millions of individuals that may have died and will certainly die in the years to come from Zantac cancer if allegations are true. Millions of Americans could be walking around with a Zantac cancer time bomb inside of them given the disease's 20+ year latency period. Many reputable online publications are on board with thinking that the breakdown in the chemical composition of Zantac resulted in astronomically high levels of a carcinogen called NDMA to develop. NDMA is a by-product of manufacturing rocket fuel and is given to laboratory test animals to induce tumors for cancer research. There is little doubt in the minds of government health officials at the US Food and Drug Administration that the world's best-selling heartburn and acid-reflux medication causes cancer. The FDA confirmed this in its initial explanation of their Zantac recall. "The FDA has requested all ranitidine (Zantac) products be pulled from the market immediately. The recall includes all prescription and over-the-counter ranitidine drugs as ongoing investigations uncovered levels of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a probable human carcinogen, increase over time." Science World Report currently features an expose titled "Can You Get Cancer From Taking Zantac?" confirming the FDA's position of Zantac being probably carcinogenic, and all ranitidine medicines from North American Markets. The publication made several excellent points for individuals such as ourselves who are concerned that we may be walking around with undiagnosed Zantac cancer. SWR reports: "In September 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that the drug Zantac contained high amounts of the cancer-causing chemical N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), and found that Zantac contained 3,000-26,000 times the officially recommended dosage of NDMA. Therefore, Zantac can cause cancer." Zantac cancer lawsuits are handled by national attorneys with vast experience litigating against big pharmaceutical companies and offer a free consultation.
Everything was going well for Sanofi, the maker of Zantac up until last year when online testing pharmacy Valisure detected highly elevated levels of NDMA in ranitidine and immediately alerted the manufacturer and the US FDA. Valisure.com minced no words in describing the situation as well as their stance that the product should be recalled immediately. "Valisure's research, along with that of Stanford University and others, found that NDMA was the result of the "inherent instability" of the ranitidine molecule. This means that all manufacturers, brand or generic, and all lots of ranitidine-containing medications are affected and could generate very high levels of NDMA in the human body. There's no acceptable cancer risk for a drug like this."
The American Journal of Managed Care and other leading online publication have all written and expressed concern and are starting to realize the extent of America's Zantac Cancer problem.
More Recent Heartburn MedicineLawsuit News:
- Zantac Cancer Trials Are In Discovery To Begin In October 2022 | 7/19/2022
- Zantac Cancer Lawsuits Could Hinge On The Validity of Ranitidine Testing Methods | 7/11/2022
- Zantac Cancer Bellwether Trials In California Could Set The Stage For A Global Settlement Offer | 7/5/2022
- The FDA Recommended Protein Pump Inhibitor Drugs Like Prilosec And Nexium That May Damage Health More Than Zantac | 6/23/2022
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- Scientists Are Expected To Confirm That Ranidine Causes Gastrointestinal Cancer With Slam Dunk Testimony | 6/9/2022
- Scientific Hearings Will Start This September To Interview Zantac Cancer Expert Witnesses | 5/19/2022
- A Whistleblower Scientist Working For A Chinese Company Thinks NDMA Contamination Started In China | 5/12/2022
- Valisure's String Of Stunning Success Casts Doubt On The FDAs Ability To Police The Health Care Market | 5/2/2022
- Zantac Testing Accusations Heat Up With FDA Investigation Of Online Prescription Drug Testing Lab | 4/25/2022
- Study Finds Ranitidine Degrades Into 10,000 Nanograms of NDMA When Introduced To Simulated Stomach Conditions | 4/6/2022
- Potential Zantac Expert Witnesses Are Being Questioned By Zantac Defense Attorneys | 3/31/2022
- The FDA Requires That Drug Companies Regularly Test Ranitidine And Other Drug For NDMA | 3/24/2022
- Update: Where The Zantac Cancer Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) Stands Today | 3/12/2022
- Zantac Cancer Plaintiffs Look To The First Trial In October In Alameda California | 3/11/2022
- Zantac Cancer Plaintiffs Have Until June 30 To Finalize Their Claim | 3/7/2022
- Zantac Bellwether Trials May Focus On Ranitidine Testing Methods That Could Cause NDMA To Accelerate | 3/1/2022
- Valisure LLC's Motivations And Ranitidine Testing Methods May Not Be Scrutinized Before Trial | 2/24/2022
- Zantac Lawsuits May Go To Trial In California In October Of This Year | 2/18/2022
- Sanofi's History Of Reprehensible Corporate Behavior May Bolster Zantac Cancer Lawsuits | 2/10/2022
Lawyers for Zantac Heartburn Medicine Lawsuits
OnderLaw, LLC is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. The Onder Law Firm has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, DePuy, Risperdal and others. The Onder Law Firm has won more than $300 million in four talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuits in St. Louis. Law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation.